It is a wonderful feeling knowing that you are right where you are meant to be. And it is here, at the beautiful intersection of motherhood and photography, that I have found my place. I am so happy to be here.

I call Perth, Western Australia my home and The Hills have my heart

I am a proud wife and mum to two balls of pure sunshine. Other titles include: toddler wrangler, snack maker, designated photo taker, birth story enthusiast, Jennifer Aniston loyalist, late night over-thinker, serial movie referencer, belly laugher, occasional snorter, avid emoji user and all-round motherhood hype-girl.

As is the case with most photographers, I am extremely sentimental, almost fanatical about the importance of documenting our lives. I value the gift that photography gives above most else; a portal to revisit who we were, how we felt, what we meant to each other. Becoming a mother has brought into sharp focus how blissfully fleeting these changing seasons of life truly are. My children have helped to unearth in me a confidence to explore my love for documenting moments and to reach out for this creative pathway with my whole heart. Motherhood is and always will be the spark that lights my creative fire.

Here’s a few more things about me…

I am completely preoccupied with light and the way it can make us feel. I am obsessed with celebrating vibrant colours and documenting the depth of the connections we share with one another. I’ll never say no to a cup of tea and a few squares of dark chocolate. I offer great advice but find it so hard to take it myself. I can talk the ears off almost anyone but one of my favorite things to do is sit in silence and write. I can and will burst into tears at the drop of a hat – happy, sad doesn’t matter, I’m a hardcore crier. But I love to laugh, and do so often and loud until its hard to breath.

I am a self-appointed motherhood hype-girl, sharing this wild ride of raising young children with other mothers is a joy of parenthood I never planned for but one I could now never live without.

I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business owner, a woman who is intensely passionate about honouring whatever titles YOU hold for yourself. I am a really good time, I will always be down for a late night chat in my DM’s, I am the hype-girl you always wanted and the photographer your kids will always remember. I will make you feel like we’ve known each other forever, I will never judge you and I’ll be the reason you can look back on this stage of your life and remember exactly how it felt.

I am most content when I am behind the camera, and I can’t wait to share my happy place with you...